28 September 18
The Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland invite individuals, groups, organisations and event management/production companies to submit expressions of interest in staging events of a cultural, musical, educational or heritage nature between the dates 1 January and 31 December 2019 in the Iveagh Gardens, Dublin 2 and St. Stephen’s Green Park, Dublin 2. All events proposed on grass should be between 15 May 2019 and 15 September 2019. Site suitability for various types of events, as well as copies of the operational policy framework document, are available upon request by emailing nicola.meneses@opw.ie
If an event is considered suitable to advance to Stage 2, the event organiser will be invited to supply a fully detailed proposal, including an Event Safety Management Plan. Events will be approved based on their potential to promote cultural, musical, educational and heritage awareness for a public audience.
The closing date for receipt of ‘expressions of interest’ is:
12 NOON, 12 OCTOBER 2018
Terms and conditions will apply to thesuccessful applications.
Envelopes must be marked “2019 Events” and sent by regular post to
Ms. Nicola Meneses
Office of Public Works
Heritage Services
Dublin Castle
D02 V240